Natural Delights Sweet Sunshine Blog

Sweet Sustainability: Why Medjool Dates are a Deliciously Eco-Friendly Choice

Written by Natural Delights | Apr 22, 2024

When it comes to choosing an eco-friendly snack, Natural Delights Medjool dates rise above the rest. These delectable stone fruits are known for their caramel-like flavor but are also healthy due to their natural sweetness. The appeal of Medjool dates goes beyond the palate too; they boast a variety of sustainable growing practices from farm to table. With a low carbon footprint and commitment to waste reduction, Medjool dates are an ideal choice for conscientious consumers. Get ready to snack sustainably and savor every bite with Natural Delights Medjool dates! 

Eco-friendly Growing Practices

Natural Delights Medjool dates are grown through eco-friendly and regenerative agricultural practices. A distinct feature of Medjool dates is that they require very little water to grow. Our date palm trees are grown through water-efficient drip irrigation, in which the roots are watered directly, thereby reducing water waste through evaporation or runoff.

Natural Delights are certified 100% glyphosate free as well. We use natural and organic methods for pest control and fertilization, which is important in fostering biodiversity and nurturing healthy soil crucial for long-term sustainability.

Low Carbon Footprint

Date palms play a crucial role in carbon sequestration, which is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Renowned for their exceptional capacity, date palm trees can capture and store large amounts of carbon, making them an effective tool in reducing climate change. In fact, the carbon stored in our palm trees is the equivalent of reducing enough CO2 emissions to power 537 flights from Los Angeles to New York City.

Reducing Waste

Medjool dates represent a sustainable, zero-waste food choice. Every part of the date palm tree is used, leaving virtually no waste behind. Once the fruit is harvested, the pits serve as valuable animal feed that can be ground up to make flour. Trimmed palm leaves are repurposed as nutrient-rich mulch that goes back into the soil and supplies additional nutrients. This approach ensures that Medjool palms not only provide us with delicious fruit but also minimize waste by utilizing all parts of the plant.

Recycled Packaging

Have you ever wondered why our tubs sport a vibrant green hue? It’s because we use 100% post-consumer recycled plastic to ensure our product reaches you with the utmost quality. Opting for post-consumer recycled packaging carries numerous environmental advantages. It conserves natural resources by lessening the demand for virgin materials, which require extraction, processing, and transportation, resulting in lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It also reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, thereby lessening the environmental toll associated with waste disposal, like pollution and habitat destruction. Furthermore, using post-consumer recycled packaging can help to promote a circular economy, in which materials are continuously recycled and reused, reducing our dependence on finite resources and curbing waste generation. Thanks to our post-consumer recycled packaging initiative, Natural Delights has diverted 1.1 million pounds of plastic waste from landfills and oceans

You might be curious as to why we opted for post-consumer recycled packaging for the majority of our products instead of cardboard or paper goods, and that’s an excellent question. While both packaging options are sustainable - one as a renewable resource and the other as a recycled resource - our tubs consistently receive higher approval from shoppers. This is because they excel in preserving freshness and are resealable. Thus, we provide the type of sustainable packaging that best meets the needs and preferences of our customers.

As you celebrate Earth Day this year, feel confident that choosing Natural Delights products contribute to your health and a more sustainable environment. You can also learn more about our growers, growing practices, and sustainability commitments on our website


Edgar Galaviz is the Quality Compliance Manager for Natural Delights. He has spent over a decade with the brand, ensuring that all fields maintain the highest quality and safety standards. He is an integral part of the sustainability efforts at Natural Delights and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to date farming best practices.