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Cooking Up Memories: Family-Friendly Recipes

May 8, 2024 | By: Natural Delights

Families today have busier schedules than ever, so on-the-go meals have become a convenience for many. But there's something so comforting about coming together over a delicious, homemade meal. That’s why we’ve gathered a list of family-friendly recipes that are as easy to make as fun. Grab your apron, gather your loved ones, and get ready to cook up some tasty dishes and special memories!

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Sweet Sustainability: Why Medjool Dates are a Deliciously Eco-Friendly Choice

Apr 22, 2024 | By: Natural Delights

When it comes to choosing an eco-friendly snack, Natural Delights Medjool dates rise above the rest. These delectable stone fruits are known for their caramel-like flavor but are also healthy due to their natural sweetness. The appeal of Medjool dates goes beyond the palate too; they boast a variety of sustainable growing practices from farm to table. With a low carbon footprint and commitment to waste reduction, Medjool dates are an ideal choice for conscientious consumers. Get ready to snack sustainably and savor every bite with Natural Delights Medjool dates! 

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Kid-Approved Date Recipes

Apr 9, 2024 | By: Natural Delights

In our house, dates are a thing. I mean….you’ll find my 15-year-old daughter snacking on them with a bit of dark chocolate and walnuts, my son loving them in chocolate smoothies, and my niece putting them in everything from bowls to homemade cookies. I myself love to come up with creative snacks out of them for my kids. Sometimes you’ll hear a shout from the pantry, “Who ate the last date??” Whether it’s eating dates by themselves or sliding them into a recipe, they are a pantry staple at our house.

Having littles makes me adore the fact that dates are so easy to cook with, especially anywhere you want a kiss of caramelly-sweetness, naturally. Dates give you every reason under the sun to enjoy them - they are high in fiber, have a low glycemic index, and are a source of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and what I call “the sunshine vitamin” - vitamin D.

Because of their fiber content, they slow digestion, and if you’re a parent, you know this is a total winner! Kids can get hungry fast, and keeping them full - on nutritious food - is always a goal.

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